About me

Hello, World!

I'm Minh.

I love the idea of problem-solving and life-long-learning.

So now I'm currently trying to teach myself to be a Backend developer.

I enjoy reading books, playing football, learning more about Computer Science, and watching Youtube. 🥰

My work


Battleship game playing with computer. Can setting board's size, number of ships, ship's length. Computer can play "smart" moves without "cheating"


Checkmate todo list. Can add todos, notes, daily journal (auto). Can create new projects of todos/notes. Use localStorage as basic database.


Weather app using weather API and Giphy API. Can switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit. Each time we search a location we will display a GIF base on the weather of tha location.


Restaurant Tasty website. Can switch between light and dark theme. Content is generated using only JavaScript.

Contact me

I am currently looking for full-time employment.

Please get in touch if you think our work could be mutually beneficial!